Bookkeeping Basics

A Statement of Cash Flows Answers “Where Did My Money Go?”

Have you ever gotten to the end of a successful business month and wondered, “Where did all that money go?!” A statement of cash flows (SOCF) can help you answer that question!

Most of the business owners I work with are familiar with the Profit & Loss statement (if you’re not, no shame! You can check out this post to get a little more familiar with it, so maybe you can see that your bottom line was KILLER last month, but your bank account simply doesn’t reflect it. 

The best way to see where your money actually goes each month is to look at the Statement of Cash Flows (SOCF). Unfortunately, this is a report that many business owners are unfamiliar with, but any good bookkeeping software (like Quickbooks Online) will have this report readily available for you! So, let’s cover the highlights…